What is L1M3

L1M3 (LIME)—the Loop1 Monitoring Maturity Model— was created in 2018 as a standard reference for organizations to achieve desired business outcomes. Adopting L1M3 improves your technology investments’ performance and leverages IT tools and operational data to inform business services and drive better business decisions.

Based on decades of experience in designing, implementing, and monitoring IT operations across thousands of organizations worldwide, the L1M3 model is structured to help express business technology goals in standard terms while leveraging IT tools and data to deliver valuable business insights.

#freshthinking from Loop1

SolarWinds Proactive L1M3 Services

L1M3 Methodology

Loop1 believes our services should provide clients with real business outcomes. For decades IT Management has followed the concept of people, tools and process – Loop1 built on that foundation to develop people, tools and L1M3


5 Phases of Maturity

L1M3 Meter Animated L1M3 Meter Animated

High – risk to the business due to a lack of tools, poor visibility, and excessive outages poor change management, ineffective audit and reactive incident response.

6 Assessment Areas

Adoption & Enablement
Feature Complete
Performance & Availability Metrics
Security & Compliance
Automation & Integration
Data Analytics & Business Outcomes

7 Technology Silos

The foundation of modern ITOM
SolarWinds Service Desk, Web Help Desk, ServiceNow, other 3rd party solutions

The reason IT organizations exist
SAM, VPM, Pingdom, AppOptics, NTA, VNQM, NPM, QoE, Log Analyzer, SEM, SCM
Legacy, cloud and hybrid foundation of application delivery
NPM, SAM, AppOptics, NTA, Log Analyzer, SEM, SCM, ARM
The ‘base’ of modern applications
SAM, SQL Sentry, DPA, DPM, NTA, Log Analyzer, SEM, SCM

The ‘hosts’ of modern infrastructure
NPM, SAM, VMAN, Log Analyzer, SEM
Legacy and cloud
NPM, VMAN, SRM, Log Analyzer, SEM

The transport and the services
NPM, SAM, NVM, NTA, IPAM, UDT, Log Analyzer, SEM
L1M3 Services—Secure by Design
Security and compliance built in across each tech layer of the L1M3 model

Check Your L1M3 Maturity Score

Want to gain insight into your current IT Operations monitoring maturity level and the steps you need to take to shift the needle towards insightful? Take our L1M3 calculator today-just 21 questions, 5 minutes to complete, and instant results!

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